
What i most
Need a break from
Is not the unceasing rain
Nor the unyielding demands.

What I most
Need a break from
Is not the constant uncertainty
Nor the competing workloads.

What I need
Is the chance to
Set aside my buffet of masks
And spend the week as myself.

Spare me the sun
The empty calendar pages
The quiet inbox

Grant me
A week to feel seen
And heard
And loved.

One thought on “Break

  1. I love this. “Set aside my buffet of masks and spend the week as myself”. Holy genius batman! I kept thinking that same thing when I was on break – mrs butler needs a rest so Brittany and Mommy can catch up on living. So smart. You are such a thought-provoker in your writing. I’m so glad to have sliced with you:). Enjoy your break.

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